SUPPLY LIST - Edgenuity Inc - [PDF Document] (2024)



Biology Supply List

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Table of Contents

UNIT 1: BIOLOGY: THE STUDY OF LIFE ........................................................................................................... 1

UNIT 2: BIOCHEMISTRY ................................................................................................................................. 2

UNIT 3: CELLS ................................................................................................................................................. 3

UNIT 4: CELL ENERGY ..................................................................................................................................... 4

UNIT 5: CELL DIVISION AND REPRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5

UNIT 7: GENETICS AND HEREDITY ................................................................................................................. 6

UNIT 8: MICROBIOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY ................................................................................................. 7

UNIT 9: PLANTS ............................................................................................................................................. 8

UNIT 10: ANIMALS AND HUMANS ................................................................................................................. 9

UNIT 11: ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................. 11

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Project: Characteristics of Life

You've learned that there are many common characteristics an object must possess in order to be considered alive. In this project, you'll choose those qualities of life and compare them to a given object. According to your evaluation, you'll decide if the object is alive or not.

No an object of your choice

Project: The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a process that many scientists use to prove or disprove natural phenomena. It starts with scientific inquiry or questions that arise from an observation. For this project, observe your natural environment, and come up with a question that you would like to test using the scientific method.

No research resources

Project: Classifying Fruit For this project, you will classify different pieces of fruit by responding to dichotomous questions.

No N/A

*Project: Keying Plants Use your five senses and any of the previously mentioned tools to observe flowers and construct a key.

No N/A

*Project: Keying Animals

Construct a dichotomous key for the animals you choose.

No N/A

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.


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Experiment: Static Electricity

In this experiment you will learn about static electricity using balloons

Yes two inflated balloons

piece of material (nylon, wool, or fur)


nylon stocking


piece of white paper

Experiment: Water Properties

This experiment you will conduct an experiment that demonstrates some of the key properties of water which include adhesion and cohesion, solubility and capillary action.

No Part 1:

2 small clear plastic cups

2 plastic spoons

vegetable oil



Part 2:


two eye droppers

cup of water

small amount of dish detergent

Part 3:

12 oz glass

stalk of celery

red food coloring



Experiment: pH Indicators

During this lab you will use the juice from a red cabbage to find the pH of a variety of substances.

No safety goggles

clear plastic or glass cups (or beakers)

red cabbage

sauce pan


food processor


Baking soda – dissolved in distilled water

any liquid bathroom cleaner


lemon juice


soft drink(clear)

distilled water

apple juice

Experiment: Sugar and Starch

In this experiment you will test for sugars and starch in various fruits and vegetables.

Yes powdered starch (use either potato or corn starch)

glucose test strips

beakers or tumblers

iodine (do not use clear nonreactive iodine)

several fruits and vegetables

sugar (Karo syrup)

Distilled Water

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Experiment: Enzyme Action

In this experiment, you will determine whether carrot plants contain the enzyme catalase and analyze the effect of high heat or low pH on the function of the catalase enzyme.

No Carrot puree

3% hydrogen peroxide

5 small clear drinking glasses

Vinegar (acid solution)

3 teaspoons (one for each: water, vinegar, and peroxide)

Paper cup

Labeling tape (masking tape)


Stove or heat source such as a Bunsen burner or hot plate


*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.



Assignment Summary Video Demo


Project: Introducing the Microscope

Write a 125 word summary of what you have learned in "Introducing the Microscope"

No N/A

Project: Plant, Animal, and Algae Cells

In this project, you will observe an animal cell—a human cheek cell, a plant cell - Elodea, and two algae cells - Spirogyra and Chlamydomonas. Explore and make drawings of these different cells and identify the different structures of the cells that you observe.

No Compound Light Microscope

Prepared slides of:

o Cheek Cells

o Elodea

o Spirogyra

o Chlamydomonas

Project: Virtual Lab - Osmosis

Analyze how different concentrations of solutes in a solution can affect organism's cells.

V-Lab N/A

Experiment: Osmosis In this experiment you will explore the process of osmosis.

Yes beaker

ring stand

rubber band or string

sucrose (table sugar)

thistle tube

semipermeable membrane (sausage skin)


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Project: Homeostasis In this project, you'll see how your body adjusts to maintain a steady state when you exercise.

No thermometer


clock or stopwatch

paper and pen

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.



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Project: Energy Laws For this project, write about the first two laws of thermodynamics or energy, define each law and provide an example to help explain it using at least 175 words.

No research resources

Experiment: Photosynthesis Reactions

In this experiment, you will make a terrarium in order to grow some green plants and formulate the different processes that are taking place during photosynthesis.

No large glass or Plexiglas container

washed gravel, sand, and/or rock

aquarium charcoal

potting soil


a few assorted plants

Project: Respiration in Muscles

In this project, you'll conduct an activity that involves oxygen and the cellular respiration process.

No N/A

Project: Energy Flow in Ecosystems

In this project, you will make a pyramid to help you understand who the producers and consumers are.

No research resources

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.


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Experiment: Asexual Plant Reproduction

In this lab you will look at a few ways plants can be reproduced asexually.

No research resources

stock plants

small pots

sterile potting soil or medium

rooting compound

pot labels

pruners or knives

Project: Reproduction Research

For this project, you will conduct research and present information on a sexual reproducing organism and an asexual reproducing organism.

No research resources

Project: Fragmentation Planaria have the ability to regenerate and in the following experiment you will see this amazing ability.

Yes a small glass jar or culture jar

a razor blade, scalpel, or very sharp knife

a dissection microscope or a good hand lens

eight or ten individual Planaria (flatworms)

a small piece of fresh liver (about 2 cm) placed on a side of the jar in fresh water (depth of water should equal the height of the liver)

blunt-ended tweezers or forceps

Project: Stages of Mitosis

For this project, you will identify these stages in both a plant and animal cell, and briefly describe what occurs in each stage.

Yes microscope

prepared slide of onion root stained to show chromosomes

prepared slide of roundworm or white fish blastula stained to show chromosomes

Project: Stem Cell Research

Write one or two paragraphs of 300 words to answer your questions about stem cell research.

No research resources

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.


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Project: Building DNA For this project, you will build a DNA molecule by placing its basic parts together like pieces of a puzzle.

No N/A

Project: Karyotypes For this project, you will create and analyze a karyotype.


*Experiment: Molecular Genetics

In this project, you will complete the investigation to determine to what extent the genotype and environment influence the phenotype.

No 60 radish seeds

2 Petri dishes or flat covered containers

sand-peat mixture

medicine dropper

box to cover 1 Petri dish

Project: Punnett Squares

For this project, you'll predict the genotypes and phenotypes of a fictional family.

No N/A

Project: Testing Probability

In this project, you will experiment with probabilities.

No 2 coins

cardboard shoebox

Project: Natural Selection

You have learned that natural selection is a mechanism of evolution. Organisms well adapted to their environment are naturally selected to survive and reproduce more often than organisms poorly adapted. In this project, you will simulate natural selection.

No construction paper in four different colors


blanket with a colorful pattern (a sheet or comforter will also work)

plastic cup

plain paper

pencil or pen

Project: Morphology In this project, you will compare the forelimbs of seven different animals.

No N/A

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.


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Project: Pathogens—Bacteria or Virus?

For this project, let's see if you are aware of the many differences between bacteria and viruses.

No N/A

Project: Protozoan Cultures

For this project, you will try to find the following protozoan cultures: amoeba, paramecium, and euglena.

Yes pond water (water from ditches and lakes may be suitable; water with green scum or algae is best)




slide cover

cotton ball

Project: Algae Cultures The first section of this project allows you to collect your own algae cultures and view them under a microscope. In the second section, you will view already prepared slides of algae. In conducting both sections of this project, you will have the opportunity to see the diversity of algae specimens.

No 6-8 jars—pint or quart size (Use jars that can be thrown away upon completion of the exercise.)

2 small plastic bags for collecting bark with algae

a dipper tied to a long pole (very useful in collecting from ponds and lakes)

3-4 slides—at least 2 plain slides and 1 depression slide (You can also use a plain slide and make a well or depression with petroleum jelly.)

3-4 cover slips

collected cultures

an eye dropper for adding water


paper and pencil

Project: Fungi Cultures In this project, you will examine some fungi and make a collection of fungi consisting of molds, mildew, and yeast.

Yes molds on jelly, fruits, and bread*

baker's yeast


Roquefort cheese (blue cheese)—keep refrigerated**

Camembert cheese—keep refrigerated**

plastic disposable tumbler

stirring spoon


pair of tweezers

two clean microscopic slides

hand lens or strong magnifying glass


two cover slips

a yeast stain: methylene blue safranine, or similar stain

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Project: Plant and Animal Research

For this project, you will choose one plant and one animal to research and discuss in detail.

No research resources

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.



Assignment Summary Video Demo


Experiment: Stem Transport

For this experiment, you will observe the xylem and phloem at work in a stalk of celery.

No celery stalk with leaves

food coloring (red or blue)



microscope slide


tall jar or glass

sharp knife

metric ruler

Experiment: Flower Dissection

In this experiment, you will observe these parts and review the reproduction process in angiosperms.

No magnifying glass or hand lens


black paper or very dark material

fresh flower


*Experiment: Seed Dissection

In this experiment, you will observe a plant embryo inside a seed.

No magnifying glass or hand lens

lima beans or corn seeds


jar of water

*Experiment: Cones In this experiment, you will examine male and female pine cones.

No male pine cone

female pine cone

Experiment: Plant Growth

Sometimes, a new plant can be grown from the living tissue of another plant. Special plant regulators help grow roots, stems, leaves, and buds. This investigation will take about two weeks.

No water

stem cutting of growing plant

tall baby food jar

Project: Plant Usage For this project, you will identify various uses of plants in your home.

No N/A

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.


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Experiment: Animal Cells and Tissues

In this section of your experiment, you'll review slides of specialized animal cells and discuss their function(s). Next, review some animal cells on your own.

Yes microscope

prepared slides of erythrocytes, leukocytes, muscle cells, and nerve cells

Project: Animal Organ Systems

For this project, you will choose just one vertebrate animal and research one of its organ systems on your own.

No research resources

*Experiment: Heart Rate

Do not do this experiment if you have a heart condition or other medical problem.

In this experiment you will speculate on some of the reasons for any differences in heart rates.

No a friend to measure their heart rate

Experiment: Mealworm In this project, you will observe an insect life cycle.

No baby-food jar with lid

bran flakes or oatmeal


magnifying glass



*Project: Animal Study For this project, you will choose a type of mammal or insect and write a report about it.

No research resources

Project: Nervous and Endocrine Disorders

Choose one:

Research a nervous system disorder and design a brochure about the disorder and one medication or treatment method used to help those that have the disorder.

Research an endocrine disorder and write an 800 word report on the disorder, including what its symptoms are, who it can affect most, and what other issues it can cause.

No research resources

Supplies depend on project selected by the student.

Project: Virtual Lab - Frog Dissection Musculoskeletal

In a brief essay discuss how frogs utilize these muscles in order to swim, jump, and do other frog things efficiently.

V-Lab N/A

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Project: Digestive, Circulatory and Respiratory Disorders

Choose one:

Research a digestive disorder and create a power point presentation on the disorder and its symptoms, along with who it can affect most, and what other issues it can cause.

Research a circulatory disorder and design a pamphlet or brochure about the disorder and one medication or treatment method used to help those that have the disorder.

Research a respiratory disorder and create an infomercial on your disease.

No research resources

Supplies depend on project selected by the student.

Experiment: Digesting Fats

In this experiment, you will use soap to break up oil.

No two test tubes with stoppers or two tall thin bottles (vials) with lids

twenty drops of cooking oil

four drops of liquid soap


Experiment: Carbon Dioxide

In this experiment, you will test for carbon dioxide and watch what happens when you exhale carbon dioxide into limewater.

No clear limewater

two soda straws

hand air pump

two small jars (preferably baby food jars)

*Project: Animal Study For this project, you will choose a type of mammal or insect and write a report about it.

No research resources

Project: Muscle, Skeletal, and Reproductive Disorders

Choose one:

Research a muscular disorder and design a pamphlet or brochure about the disorder and one medication or treatment method used to help those that have the disorder.

Research a skeletal disorder and create a power point presentation on what the disorder is, what its symptoms are, who it can affect most, and what other issues it can cause.

Research a reproductive disorders and write an 800 word report on the disorder, including what its symptoms are, who it can affect most, and what other issues it can cause.

No research resources

Supplies depend on project selected by the student.

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Project: Immunity and Lymphatic Disorders

Choose one:

Research an immune disorders and create an infomercial on your disease.

Research a lymphatic disorder and write a report on what the disorder is, what its symptoms are, who it can affect most, and what other issues it can cause.

No research resources

Supplies depend on project selected by the student.

Project: Virtual Lab - Frog Dissection Internal Organ

Explain in a brief essay how the cardiovascular system and respiratory system work with each other based on your experience and observations from this virtual lab.

V-Lab N/A

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.



Assignment Summary Video Demo


Project: Symbiosis Choose a symbiotic relationship to research and write a 300 word report that includes the benefits of the relationship for either member, the harm done by the relationship and how this relationship has evolved.

No research resources

Project: Food Webs In this project, you will construct a food web.

No poster board

colored pencils or markers

research resources

*Project: Habitats For this project, you will create a habitat for organism(s).

No gallon jar (or other large, glass container)

materials of your choice to set up your habitat:

freshwater aquarium

woodland terrarium

marine aquarium

desert terrarium


Project: Local Ecosystems

For this project, you will examine and explore a local ecosystem.

No outdoor area like a field or garden


magnifying glass


popsicle sticks


small gardening tools

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*Project: Biomes Complete the chart by determining the type of habitat, other plants and animals of that habitat, and the biome of the four organisms listed.

No research resources

Project: Virtual Lab - Biome: Deciduous Forest

Discuss how temperature and amount of precipitation can affect the type of plants and animals found in the deciduous biome.

V-Lab N/A

Project: Virtual Lab - Biome: Tundra

Discuss how temperature and amount of precipitation can affect the type of plants and animals found in the tundra biome.

V-Lab N/A

Experiment: Biodegradability

For this experiment, you will determine the biodegradability of different materials.

No shovel or trowel

compost bin (can be purchased from a local garden or hardware store)


twigs and branches

grass clippings or leaves

food garbage (such as banana peels and apple cores)

plastic cup


aluminum foil


paper towels

tin can

*Project: Stewardship Write a three-paragraph essay totaling 500 words about how stewardship applies to the environment.

No dictionary

Project: Virtual Lab - Biome: Rainforest

Discuss how temperature and amount of precipitation can affect the type of plants and animals found in the rainforest biome.

V-Lab N/A

Project: Ethics in Biotechnology

For this project, you will write a persuasive essay about an ethical question in biotechnology.

No research resources

*Special Project Use this Special Project template to create your own assignment for this unit.


* indicates an alternative assignment

SUPPLY LIST - Edgenuity Inc - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.